The Sloth Family

The Sloth Family

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Death of a brother: What April 14th means to me

Thinking I was going to be completely fine today had me blindsided with an emotional charge I didn't expect. First thing this morning my head-butting son got me in the cheek bone. I can't say it was an accident or not but it sent me flying out for the bathroom so I could be alone. Ouch! The pain was so overwhelming I was certain I needed ice. The tears came instantly.

I am not one to cry, but when I do, I can't hold back. My sobs were loud but I didn't know how to quiet myself. As I cried, I began to feel a hurt that didn't surprise me. It wasn't just a physical hurt, but an emotional one. Today marks the third anniversary of my little brother's death.

I knew this day was coming but I didn't expect it to get here; as if time would do me a favor and just stand still. Then, I wouldn't have to face April 14th.

Anybody who has lost a dear loved one knows that the pain of loss can come at any time. It could be a song, a movie, a meal, that takes you back to a place and time with that person. Be it good or bad, the pain of missing them returns. On this day, I didn't know when/if this pain would visit me. Was I kidding myself to think I was strong enough to not let this day bother me?

Apparently not. That head-butt from Brandt sent me straight into a dismal. Feeling physical pain gave me permission to release all of emotional pain I had stored up within me. The tears just rolled down and I lost it. I hate losing it.

I knew I had to get out of the bathroom and back into my room. I needed to cry some more in the privacy of my own space. I was angry at Brandt for hurting me like he did but couldn't refuse the hug he offered. Nick, also, kindly wrapped his arms around me. He began to pray for the day and for peace within me. I zoned out when he mentioned Caleb. I was still flooded with emotion and I couldn't think straight enough to focus on the words Nick said. Afterwards he grabbed the boy and left me to be.

When I found out Caleb took his own life, I felt a lot of pain. I had wished I could have been there for him when he doubted his worth. I wished I could have hugged him and kissed him; held him.

This morning, I struggled with those same thoughts. It hurts to feel like you failed your loved one. I felt like I had failed my brother. All I could do was think about how sorry I was for not being there for him and how much I loved and missed him. In doing so, I wept.

Its odd when you cry. Sometimes your body tenses up and you can feel a pressure in your head build. The release you get doesn't come in the form you would expect. Instead of a physical release, you get an emotional one. When you're done, you find your body physically exhausted and sore. However, often times your heart has finally been able to surrender and there is nothing left to pour out. Maybe that is why our bodies hurt after a good cry. Breaking down the walls of our heart is a painful process and the evidence remains in our physical bodies. It is actually quite a beautiful thing God designed!

In the end, crying allowed me to release what words could not. Thank you to my sister Jessica for helping me to see that.

I know I am not the only one who mourns for someone. Many of you have your own anniversary dates to overcome and will be like me when the date hits. You may even convulse and ache for the rest of the day. Just know when it does, you are not alone. You've read my story....

Psalm 30:5 "Sorrow may last through the night but joy comes in the morning."

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my brother's story-- Caleb was 27 years old when he shot himself with a hand gun in the temple. I believe he was deceived by the enemy and robbed of his life. Caleb was a believer in Christ but struggled to find freedom from torment. It was his prayer he would find it on the other side.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Just when you think... A MUST READ!

I love roller coasters. The thrill, the excitement, the speed. However, the roller coaster our family has been on these past few weeks is one I am ready to get off! Late last night I found out our home was officially on the market. I knew it was going to be on the market soon, I just didn't realize it was ALREADY on the market.  As I looked around my messy house, I wondered how in the world I was going to have time to clean it in case someone wanted to see it. Nick had been home alone with the kids and it looked like a tornado went through it. The stress overwhelmed me and I broke down. This is too much for me!

It wasn't just the messy house, but the thoughts of leaving such a good thing we have here; the neighborhood, Crooked Lake Elementary where I work and the kids go to school, the family, the friends, the LIFE we have here in MN. I told God that the only way I was going to be able to pull through this move was with His help. In tears I went to prayer and journaled everything I felt and needed to have happen. It says in the Bible to let your requests be made known to God. I wrote down a nice long list of all of the things God needed to take care of. I also had to ask God to keep my heart soft for Nick. Knowing that Colorado was where we needed to go for school made it a right decision. Yet, the reality of moving is easier said than done. I didn't want to become bitter and resentful; especially when I know Nick needs to finish Bible school.

But what about the rest of us? Knowing we have to sell our house and open our home for strangers to walk in bothers me. My home is my sanctuary. I don't want anyone coming in here and making judgments about it. What about the kids? My daughter Sutton cries almost every night in thoughts about moving. Brendan our oldest doesn't mind. Little does he know Bantam traveling hockey in Colorado costs $10-12 THOUSAND dollars a season.!! We cannot afford that. He would be CRUSHED if he found out he couldn't play hockey anymore. Then he would be angry that God moved our family. Would he understand it was for the best or would he be bitter at God for taking away something he loves so much?

As I went to bed last night, I was still hurting. I still had faith though that God would make things right and that I just needed to trust Him. God had my life in his hands because Lord knows I felt like I lost control of it.

Sure enough, this morning Nick wakes me up with, "Tam, I know you aren't going to like this, but someone is coming over in a bit to see the house." Now I will be completely honest here. You have to know I thought, Are you kidding me?! My house is a disaster! I hate you, Nick.

WOW! Such strong words. I was losing it. 'Hate' is a swear word in our home and for me to express those words, even in my head, shocked me. I felt bad for even thinking it. Yet, this is where I was at. The next hour and a half I spent frantically picking my house up. I was thankful I didn't have to go to school till later in the morning so I had time to clean. 15 minutes before I had to be at work, I quickly gave myself a diaper wipe bath (because you know I was sweaty) and got dressed. No breakfast, barely some make-up, and I had to go. Anymore mornings like that I will have to go to marital counseling.

Now here is where the story gets good. Abraham in the Bible was told to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham didn't want to do it, but out of obedience, was about to offer up his son as a sacrifice. Last night and this morning I have felt like Abraham. My life and the life of my kids was about to be sacrificed out of obedience. Then Nick called me at work.

"Tammy, you will never believe this. Pastor Steve (a neighbor) came over just after the showing and handed me this flyer. It said, 'The wait is over!
Charis Bible College in Minneapolis, MN in 2012!"

As my heads stops spinning, I can feel myself begin to cry. Was this my answer to my prayers?! This is the school Nick was planning on attending this Fall! The whole reason for our move was for him to go to school. Oh my gosh, PRAISE THE LORD! We were just about to sell our home, pull our kids out of school, uproot everything we have here, and leave. Just like Abraham with his hand raised high above Isaac ready to kill him, God provides a ram last second to use as a sacrifice. Isaac was spared and so were we.

You have to know that the idea of Colorado excited us. The reality of leaving is what stole my joy. I kept imaging my kids having to walk into a new school and hating it. Then having to wipe their tears and tell them this was God's will for our family. What a nightmare. I can't say that is what would have happened for sure. But the thoughts kept crossing my mind.

I need to give God far more credit in knowing that where we are, there He is also. The kids may have disliked their first few days of school in Colorado, but eventually would have made friends and all would be well. Either way, I guess we will never know.

The phone call I received at school was short. I hopped in my car and drove the 1 minute it took for me to get home. Nick was in the driveway waiting for me. Needless to say, I ended up melting in his arms. Nick is overjoyed to see how God is providing for all of the needs in our family. The kids will continue to excel in all they do, I will continue to teach at their school, and Nick will be able to go to Bible school; in MINNESOTA.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Questions answered

15 weeks till go time! Thinking that I have until this summer to move out of our home does not seem like a daunting task. However, if I put this time frame into weeks, that leaves me with just 15. Oh my! It takes me a whole week to catch up on laundry. I know if I blink, another two weeks will be gone. July 15th is my personal deadline to hit the road; for many reasons.
The kids start school August 15th and I think a solid month to get adjusted to life in Colorado should be a sufficient amount of time. We don't want to wait last minute and then tell the kids, "We are here! Tomorrow you start school." Nope. Couldn't do it.

Also, I did a little research and teachers go back to school August 1st. Many of my family/friends have asked if I will continue to teach out there in Colorado. The answer is yes! The day I found out we were moving, I contacted the Colorado Department of Education. I asked what I needed to do to attain a Colorado teaching license. I found out that the state of Colorado accepts out-of state licenses as long as I can verify I am indeed licensed. With a new set of fingerprints and the application fee, I will have my Colorado license within 2-4 weeks! Now, I just need a job. ha!

In the meantime, our family is making preparations for the move. Our house will go on the market within the week. Unfortunately it is worth far less than what we bought it for. To give you an idea, in 2005 we bought it for 235k. According to our property taxes, it is only worth 160k. Ugh! We are not alone. It is sad that the economy has forced many families like us to short sale their home. If we waited to sell our home traditionally, the kids may be adults. We don't have time for that. Colorado is calling!

Down-sizing and packing have already began. Now the task of keeping our house "show" ready will be a continual effort. It was hard to keep our house clean with two kids when we sold our home in Brainerd. I don't know how we are going to do it with six. Our laundry invades our entire living room when I am folding. What am I going to do if we get a call to show the house? Give them a heads up, I guess. Maybe put on a sign on the door that reads, "Beware! 1/2 a dozen kids live here."

The question has been asked if we have a house out in Colorado yet. The answer is no. We plan on renting so we aren't tied down to a mortgage or a neighborhood we don't care for. Many rental houses are unoccupied and so I am not worried about finding a home, much less waiting for one that is available. We'll get to that process soon enough; within the next 15 weeks ;)

Finally, many people have wondered if/when we are coming back to Minnesota. Such a great question! I wish I had an answer! ha! Honestly, I have no idea. I think that is what has helped make this move easier to swallow. The idea is that nothing is forever. Leaving for Colorado doesn't mean we won't come back to Minnesota. As Nick explained to the kids, God just might move our family somewhere else later. His example was California. My little sister lives in southern California; I would be up for that! Who knows what the future brings. I love knowing that God has far more planned for us than I could ever dream or imagine. We just have to follow the Lord's leading and be obedient.

I think there are some who struggle with understanding this concept. As a Christian though, we are taught to listen to God's voice. Its not audible, but an overwhelming feeling or sense. You have to trust that "voice" from within. Often times too, your answers will be found in scripture. Scriptures will jump out at you when they didn't before! Its amazing how answers to questions will come to you! When God spoke to us about Colorado, we almost had to find reasons NOT to move. All signs pointed us WEST.

I have to bring up another song! Michael W. Smith's, "Go West Young Man" has been playing in my mind over and over. If it has been too many years since you've heard this 1993 hit, here are some of the lyrics.
I'm blazing a trail that leads to vice
So easily enticed
By darker means
When out of the wilderness of choice
I hear that one still voice
Call to me
Go west young man
Go west young man
When the evil go east
Go west young man
Go west young man
Find a heart that's golden

Why must I wander like a cloud
Following the crowd
Well I don't know
But i'm asking for the will to fight
To wear the crown of life
And you say go


The mind is weak the heart is frail
When it goes beyond the pale
So unwise

I'm blazing a trail that leads to vice
So easily enticed
By darker means

When out of the wilderness of choice
I hear that one still voice
Call to me

Go west young man
Go west young man
When the evil go east
Go west young man
Go west young man
Find a heart that's golden

And west we will go!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

And so it begins

I have arrived! With the request of my dear cousin Emily, I have decided to join the world of blogging and share with you the journey our family is about to embark on. It has not even been a week since Nick has decided to move our family to Colorado and already so much has happened. In order to understand why the move, you will have to read my note, "The call to move to Colorado." It will give you a little bit of background and insight as to why we are doing this. You can even read our history and find out even more about who Nick and I are as a couple. You may be surprised to learn something new!

I am excited that you want to share this journey with me. You'll find that I will be super honest with my feelings so don't be alarmed by what I say. Keep in mind I have a hubby, six kids at home, hundreds of kids at school, and am in the middle of a move. YIKES! Beware. I will try not to complain. But as Nick reminds me often, "Tammy, you signed up for this."

I will try to keep you up to date on any progress made. I am already behind on that so therefore I will blog again soon and catch you up! Good things are already happening!